TM 5-3805-298-23-2
Table 1. Kickout System Will Not Operate or Operates Improperly Continued.
Test Step 18. Test Voltage to Fork
Kickout System Will Not
Kickout Position Sensor.
Operate or Operates
1. Turn battery disconnect switch and
Improperly - Continued
ignition switch to ON position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Set implement disable switch to
unlock position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
3. Set kickout switch to ON position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
Voltage 18 to 26 V Replace fork
kickout position sensor (WP 0297).
between connector N-C3
Proceed to Test Step 60.
terminal A and terminal C
Voltage Less Than 18 V Proceed to
(WP 0012, Figure 234).
Test Step 19.
Test Step 19. Test Kickout Positioner
or Open.
1. Turn ignition switch and battery
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Remove tiedown strap (Figure 17,
Item 3) from wiring harness
(Figure 17, Item 2) and bracket
(Figure 17, Item 1). Discard
tiedown strap.
3. Disconnect connector LE-C5
(WP 0012, Figure 237) from
connector N-C1 (WP 0012,
Figure 238).
4. Connect jumper wire between
terminal 6 and terminal 4 of
connector N-C1 (WP 0012,
Figure 238).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
Remove jumper wire from terminal 6
between connector N-C3 terminal
and terminal 4 of connector N-C1
A and terminal C (WP 0012,
(WP 0012, Figure 238).
Figure 234).
Proceed to Test Step 24.
Replace kickout positioner wiring
harness (WP 0297).
Proceed to Test Step 60.