TM 5-2420-231-23-1
1. Have assistant operate accelerator pedal (TM 5-2420-231-10) and observe operation of throttle at
high-pressure fuel pump (Figure 23, Item 1). Throttle (Figure 23, Item 11) should contact throttle stop
(Figure 23, Item 12) at wide open throttle, and return to idle when released.
Shorten throttle cable jacket to lengthen the throttle cable.
Lengthen throttle cable jacket to shorten the throttle cable.
2. If foot throttle cable (Figure 23, Item 7) is out of adjustment:
a. Adjust foot throttle cable jacket (Figure 23, Item 6) length by loosening two jamnuts (Figure 23, Item 5) at
foot throttle lever (Figure 23, Item 10) or high-pressure fuel pump (Figure 23, Item 1). Screw jamnuts in to
shorten or out to lengthen foot throttle cable jacket; and/or,
b. Adjust foot throttle cable (Figure 23, Item 7) length by loosening jamnuts (Figure 23, Items 3 or 8) at foot
throttle cable ends (Figure 23, Item 2 or 9). Screw foot throttle cable ends in to shorten or out to lengthen
foot throttle cable.
Tighten all jamnuts.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to verify foot throttle cable adjustment.
Figure 23. Foot Throttle Cable Adjustment.