A I R S Y S T E M A N D B R A K E SA I R C I R C U I T F O R T H EW H E E L B R A K EShigher pressure, and closes the inlet passage with thelower pressure. Air then goes through outlet passage(5) to the air cylinders.AIR PRESSURE SWITCH FOR STOP LIGHTSAir pressure switch (1) is activated when the airpressure in the line to the air cylinders gets aboveapproximately 25 kPa (4 psi). When switch (1) isactivated, it causes the stop lights at the rear of themachine to come ON.Switch (1) is under the floor of the operator’sstation. It is fastened near the right brake controlvalve.TM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NL O C A T I O N O F A I R P R E S S U R E S W I T CH1. Switch.AIR CYLINDERSThe two air cylinders are part of the air/hydrauliccylinders. Air cylinders (1) and (3) are under thetool box at the rear of the cab.The air cylinder changes the energy of air underpressure into force and movement needed for brakeapplication. The ratio of air pressure to brake fluidpressure is 1 to 16. [If the pressure at air inlet (10)is 70 kPa (10 psi), the pressure in the master cyl-inder (11) is 1100 kPa (160 psi).]When a brake pedal is pushed down, air underpressure goes from the brake control valve to inlet(10) of the air cylinder and pushes on piston (6).R E A R O F C ABPiston (6) pushes on rod (7), which pushes on a1. Air cylinder for rear wheei brakes. 2. Master cylinderf o r r e a r w h e e l b r a k e s . 3 . A i r c y l i n d e r f o r f r o n t w h e e lpiston in master cylinder (11). The rod is connectedb r a k e s . 4 . M a s t e r c y l i n d e r f o r f r o n t w h e e l b r a k e s . 5 .to the piston in the master cylinder.Brake fluid pressure (overstroke) switches.A I R C Y L I N D E R ( W i t h B r a k e s R e l e a s e d )5. Brake fluid pressure (overstroke) switch. 6. Piston. 7. Rod. 8. Spring. 9. Indicatorrod. 10. Air inlet. 11. Master cylinder.3-83
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