F U E L S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I NGDASHPOT SCREW ADJUSTMENT(TYPICAL EXAMPLE)1. Dashpot adjustment screw.1. Turn dashpot adjustment screw (1) in (clock-wise) until it stops.2. Turn dashpot adjustment screw out (counter-clockwise) 1/2 ± 1/4 turn.Checking Balance PointThe balance point for the engine is: 20 rpm higher than full load speed.The point where the power adjustment screw isagainst the load stop.The point where the engine has the most horse-power output.The point where an increase in load on the engineputs-the engine in a lug condition (a condition inwhich a small increase in load makes the enginespeed get much less).Procedure for Checking Balance PointNOTE: It is important, to the correct operation ofthe transmission, that the BALANCE POINT isadjusted to the correct specifications.NOTE: The rack setting must be correct beforean adjustment is made to the balance point.1. Connect a tachometer which has good accuracyto the tachometer drive.2. Connect a continuity light to the brass terminalscrew (1) on the rear of the governor. Connectthe other end of the light to a place on the fuelsystem which is a good electrical ground. LOCATION(TYPICAL EXAMPLE)1. Brass terminal screw.Start the engine.With the engine at operating conditions, run theengine at high idle.Make a record of the speed of the engine at highidle.Add load on the engine slowly until the contin-uity light just comes on. This is the balancepoint.Make a record of the speed at the balance point.Repeat Step 6 several times to make sure thatthe recording is correct.Stop engine. Make a comparison of the recordsfrom Steps 5 and 7 with the information givenin the FUEL SETTING INFORMATION.If the full load speed is not correct; adjust theHIGH IDLE speed to make a change in the fullload speed.If the high idle speed is out of tolerance and thefull load speed is correct, look for a weak gover-nor spring or the wrong governor spring. Boththe full load speed and the high idle speed mustbe in the tolerance given in-the FUEL SET-TING INFORMATION.4-25
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