F U E L S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N G8.9.10.Move the governor control lever to the HighIdle position and hold this position. The read-ing on the dial indicator is the air fuel ratiocontrol setting.Make reference to the FUEL SETTING lN-FORMATION for the correct air fuel ratiosetting and compare to the dial indicator read-ing.If the air fuel ratio control setting is not cor-rect, use 6V2106 Rack Adjustment Tool (11)to loosen the locknut and turn adjustmentscrew (12). Turn the screw clockwise to de-crease the amount of fuel possible (less racktravel) at the limited rack position.RACK SETTING PROCEDURETools Needed:7N1048Timing Pin.6V2106RackAdjustment Tool Group.6V2128Compressor, Overfueling spring.6V2031 RackPosition Indicator.9S229Contact Point 9.7 mm (,38 in.) long.5P4814 Collet.6V3075Dial indicator.8S4627Circuit Tester.The rack setting can be done with the fuel injectionpump and governor on or off the engine.1.2.Remove fuel line (1) and fuel filter base (2)and filter from the fuel injection housing.Remove cover (3) from the side of fuel in-jection housing.G O V E R N O R L I N K A G E A D J U S T M E N T( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )11. 6V2106 Rack Adjustment Tool Group.R I G H T S I D E O F E N G I NE( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)1. Fuel line. 2. Fuel filter base. 3. Cover.3. Install 5P4814 Collet (5) on indicator bracket(6).A D J U S T M E N T S C R E W F O R G O V E R N OR( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )12. Adjustment screw.C O V E R R E M O V ED4. Slot on fuel rack.4-21
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