F U E L S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GNOTE: The 6V2128 Compressor is used to com-press the over fueling spring. The over fuelingspring must be compressed to get an accurate fuelrack measurement. When the compressor is in-stalled, the end of the compressor contacts andmoves collar (11) in the governor.14.I N S I D E V I E W O F G O V E R N O R11. Collar.10. Fasten the clip end of 8S4627 Circuit Tester(12) to the rack contact on the rear of the gov-ernor housing and put the other end to a goodelectrical ground.C I R C U I T T E S T E R I N S T A L L ED( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)12. 8S4627 Circuit Tester. 13. Cover.11. Hold the governor lever in the FUEL ONposition. Turn the bolt in compressor (10) in(clockwise) as far as it will go. This removesthe free play inside the governor.12. Now turn the bolt out (counterclockwise)until the light just comes on (dim light). Thisis the static fuel setting. Make reference tothe FUEL SETTING INFORMATION forthe correct static fuel setting, and comparewith the reading on the dial indicator.13. If the static fuel setting is not correct, removelockwire and seal, and cover (13) from the rearof the governor.P O W E R A D J U S T M E N T S C R EW( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )14. Power adjustment screw.Install 6V2106 Rack AdjustmentTool Group(15) on power adjustment screw (14) and lock-nut.A D J U S T I N G S T A T I C F U E L S E T T I N G( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)15. 6V2106 Rack Adjustment Tool Group.15. Loosen the locknut and turn the power adjust-ment screw to change the static fuel setting.Turn the power adjustment screw clockwise todecrease the static fuel setting. Tighten thelocknut.NOTE: One half of a turn of the power adjustmentscrew will change the static fuel setting approxi-mately 0.40 mm.16. Again check the static fuel setting. If the staticfuel setting is correct, remove all tools andinstall plug (9), covers (3 and 13) and the airfuel ratio control. Install new wire and seal.MEASURING ENGINE SPEEDT o o l s N e e d e d :6 V 3 1 2 1 M u l t i t a c h G r o u pThe 6V3121 Multitach Group can measure enginespeed by the use of either the photo pickup andreflective tape, or a magnetic pickup or tachometergenerator. Special Instruction Form No. SEHS7807has instructions for its use.4-23
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