H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E M14.15.16.17.Move the lift control lever to LOWER position.Open bleed screw (4). Keep it open until there isa constant flow of oil from the bleed screw.Close bleed screw (4). Release the lift controllever and stop the engine.Release the pressure in the hydraulic system andremove the covers in the lines.Final Check18. and run the engine at high idle.Move the lift control lever to the LOWER posi-tion and raise the front wheels off the ground.Move the lift control lever to the HOLD positionand shut off the engine.Wait 10 seconds. Start the engine. Run the en-gine at low idle.If there is movement by the bucket, there is stillair in the system and the entire procedure mustbe done again.NOTE: Use this same procedure to remove air fromthe attachment part of the pilot system. The onlydifference is that the attachment control lever mustbe moved and the bleed screws at the attachment(third) valve spool must be opened.ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE FOR THELIFT AND TILT PILOT VALVEWARNINGMove the lift control lever to FLOAT position torelease the pressure in the pilot oil system.Shut off the engine.LIFT AND TILT PILOT VALVE1. Rod for lift control. 2. Rod for tilt control. 3. Plugs. 4.TM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GT o o l s N e e d e d :6 V 4 1 6 1 H y d r a u l i c T e s t G r o up1. Disconnect rod (2) from lever (5) and rod (1)from the lever for lift control.2. Remove plugs (3) from cover (4).3. Remove cover (4) from the lift and tilt pilotvalve.R I G H T S I D E P L A T F O R M O P E N ED(Bottom of Lift and Tilt Pilot Valve)6. Hose from tilt back stem. 7. Hose from dump stem. 8.Hose from lift stem. 9. Hose from lower stem.4. Remove the bolts and open the right handplatform.Tilt Back Stem Adjustment5. Disconnect hose (6) from the bottom of the pilotvalve.6. Install a 5P5008 Connector where hose (6) wasremoved.7. Install hose with the pressure gauge (0 to 4150kPa or 0 to 600 psi) on the connector.C O V E R R E M O V E D F R O M P I L O T V A L VE10. Sleeve for lift stem. 11. Sleeve for lower stem. 12.Sleeve for tilt back stem. 13. Sleeve for dump stem.Cover. 5. Lever for tilt control.4-73
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