TM 5-3805-258-24-1H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MRELIEF VALVE TESTSWARNINGMake reference to WARNING on first page ofHYDRAULIC SYSTEM TESTING AND ADJUST-ING section.Tools Needed:6V4161 Hydraulic Test Group5S5123Hydraulic Test Group8S3033Electric Hydraulic Pump5H4019 Cover8J6559Plug1. Lower the bucket so it is on the ground and cannot be tilted. Remove the cover, over controlvalve, from the front of the loader frame.2. Get the temperature of the oil up to normaloperating temperature.Main Relief ValveL I F T A N D T I L T C O N T R O L V A L VE1. Plug (in relief valve). 2. Main relief valve. 3. Plug (inTee Test plug).1. Install P1414 Connector where plug (3) wasremoved. Install a pressure gauge (0 to 28000kPa (0 to 4000) psi) and hose on the connector.Alternate Step 1. Remove plug (3) and permanent-ly install a 6V3965 Valved Nipple where plug (3)was removed. Connect a hose to the nipple with a6V4143 Coupler. Install the pressure Gauge.2. Start the engine and raise the lift arms to thetop of their travel.3.T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GIncrease the engine speed to high idle rpm. Lookat the test gauge and move the control lever tothe RAISE position. The high reading on thegauge is the pressure setting of the main reliefvalve (do not keep the control lever in RAISEposition, at the relief valve setting, more than 5seconds). The correct pressure setting of themain relief valve is 19 000 + 500 - 200 kPa (2750+ 72 - 29 psi).M A I N R E L I E F V A L VE1. Plug. 4. Plunger.4. If a pressure setting change is needed, lowerthe bucket to the ground and stop the engine.Remove plug (1) from the main relief valve.Turn plunger (4) clockwise for an increase orcounterclosewise for a decrease in the pres-sure setting of main relief valve (2).5. When the pressure setting of main relief valve(2) is correct, install plug (1), remove the hosewith the pressure gauge, install plug (3) andthe cover over the control valve.NOTE: If other tests are to be made, do not installthe cover.Relief Valve For Rod End Of Tilt Cylinder1. Stop the engine. Loosen, but do not removeplug (1) to release the pressure of the oil at therod end of the tilt cylinder.L E F T S I D E O F T I L T C Y L I N D ER1. Plug in rod end circuit.4-76
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