H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE FOR THEATTACHMENT PILOT VALVEMove the lift control lever to FLOAT position torelease pressure in the pilot oil system. Shut offthe engine.T o o l s N e e d e d :6 V 4 1 6 1 H y d r a u l i c T e s t G r o up1.2.3.A T T A C H M E N T P I L O T V A L V E1. Actuator. 2. Boot. 3. Bolts (two). 4. Jam nuts (two). 5.Sleeve for close or lower stem. 6. Sleeve for open or raisestem. 7. Jam nut. 8. Jam nut. 9. Pin. 10. Passage fromclose or lower stem. 11. Passage from open or raise stem.Disconnect the lever for attachment controlfrom actuator (1). Remove boot (2) from theactuator.Remove pin (9) and actuator (1).Loosen jam nuts (7) and (8).TM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I NGClose or Lower Stem Adjustment4. the hose from passage (10) at thebottom of the attachment pilot valve.Install hose with the pressure gauge (0 to 4150kPa or 0 to 600 psi) on the connector in passage(10).Start the engine and check the pressure on thegauge. If the pressure on the gauge is not 0 kPa(0 psi), loosen (turn counterclockwise) sleeve (5)until the pressure is 0 kPa (0 psi).Tighten (turn clockwise) sleeve (5) until thepressure on the gauge is 300 ± 50 kPa (43 ± 7psi).Loosen sleeve (5) one turn. The pressure on thegauge will go to 0 kPa (0 psi). Tighten jam nut(8) to 30 ± 15 N.m (22 ± 11 lb. ft.).Stop the engine. Remove the pressure in the pilotsystem and remove the test equipment.Connect the hose to the connector in passage(10) of the pilot valve.Open or Raise Stem Adjustment11.12.13.14.Disconnect the hose from passage (11).Do Steps 5 through 9 again, only adjust sleeve(6) this time and tighten jam nut (7).Connect the hose to the connector in passage(11).Install actuator (1) and pin (9).Actuator Adjustment15. Loosen two jam nuts (4) and adjust bolts (3) sothat actuator (1) is vertical. Also adjust bolts(3) just enough to remove free play (move-ment) from the actuator.16. Tighten jam nuts (4) to 12 ± 4 N-m (9 ± 3 lb.ft.).17. Install boot (2) and the lever for attachmentcontrol.18. Remove the air in the attachment part of thepilot oil system, see PROCEDURE TO RE-MOVE AIR FROM PILOT SYSTEM.4-75
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