5-139ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYCAMSHAFTREMOVE CAMSHAFT BEARINGS1211-11Tools NeededA8S2241Camshaft Bearing Tool Group18H684Ratchet Box Wrench11.start by:a) remove camshaftb) remove oil panRemove the camshaft bearings from the cylin-der block with tool group (A) and wrench (B).Start with the front bearing.INSTALL CAMSHAFT BEARINGS1211-12Tools NeededA8S2241Camshaft Bearing Tool Group18H684Ratchet Box Wrench11. Use tooling (A) and (B) to install the camshaftbearings in the cylinder block. Start with thefront bearing. The bearings must be installedwith the oil hole in each bearing in alignmentwith the oil holes in the cylinder block and thejoint in the bearing toward the center of theblock and 8° ± 5° above horizontal. Installthe bearings to the dimensions shown in theillustration at the bottom of the page.BEARINGSend by:a) install oil panb) install camshaftc) install hydraulic pump gear train
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