TM 5-3805-258-24-2OPERATOR’S STATIONDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYBLACKOUTREMOVE LIGHTING CONTROL RELAYS1.2.Remove instrument panel. Refer to: RemoveInstrument Panel (preceding section).There are seven control relays for the lightingcontrol circuit. The seven relays are locatedunder the instrument panel which was re-moved in step (1). Four of the relays aremounted on a bracket at the back of theInstrument panel and wiring harness enclosureand the other three relays are mounted on abracket towards the front.NOTE: Tag all wiring before disconnecting thewiring from the relay(s).3. All of the relays are mounted in the samemanner. To remove a relay, pull wiring har-ness connectors (1) off of the relay terminals.4. Remove two nuts (2), washers (3), bolt (4)and relay(s) (5).INSTALL LIGHTING CONTROL RELAYS1.2.3.Secure relay(s) (5) with bolt (4), washers (3)and nuts (2).Push wiring harness connectors (1) on therelay terminals. Use tags made during removalfor wire identification.Install instrument panel. Refer to: InstallInstrument Panel (preceding section).REMOVE BLACKOUT TAIL LAMP ASSEMBLY1. Disconnect wiring (1) from the back of theblackout tail lamp (2).2. Remove capscrews (3), lockwashers (4), andblackout tail lamp (2).INSTALL BLACKOUT TAIL LAMP ASSEMBLY1.2.Secure blackout tail lamp (2) with lock-washers (4) and capscrews (3).Connect wiring (1) to the back of the black-out tail lamp.LIGHTING5-500b
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