TM 5-3805-262-20
P a ra
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Fuel System Troubleshooting . . . . . . . 3-31
STE/ICE Description and Operation . 3-28
Charging System Troubleshooting . . . 3-32
STE/ICE Set-up Procedures . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Starting System Troubleshooting . . . 3-33
Engine Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Battery System Troubleshooting . . . . 3-34
a. This section applies only if STE/ICE is available. It contains troubleshooting
of malfunction information and tests for locating and correcting troubles which may
develop in the engine, fuel system, charging system, starting system, and battery
system. These are based on those malfunctions that may occur during operation of the
loader. STE/ICE also has the capability to test the hydraulic and transmission sys-
tems. Each malfunction or trouble symptom lists probable causes and suggested cor-
rective actions to remedy the situation.
b. This manual cannot list all possible malfunctions that may occur or all tests,
i n s p e c t i o n s , a n d c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n s.
If a malfunction is not listed (except when
malfunctions and causes are obvious), or is not corrected by listed corrective ac-
tions, notify higher level maintenance.
C . The troubleshooting procedures list the common malfunctions that you may find
during the operation or maintenance of the loader. You should perform the tests/in-
spections and corrective actions in the order listed.
a. General.
STE/ICE is used to test serviceability of vehicles and to perform
primary fault detection and isolation.
b. Description and Operation.
STE/ICE is a testing system that performs tests
and measurements on internal combustion engines. It measures voltage, current, re-
s i s t a n c e , pressure, temperature, and rpm. Special tests consisting of compression
unbalance, starting system and battery system evaluation are performed by STE/ICE.
Features of STE/ICE are standard equipment functions consisting of vacuum pressure
gage, multimeter, and low current ammeter. STE/ICE is portable and operates on ei-
ther 2 or 24 volt batteries or equivalent power source. STE/ICE system consists of
vehicle test meter (vTM), transducer kit (TK), six electrical cables, transit case,
and necessary technical manuals.
c. Vehicle Test Meter (VTM).
Provides a method for the technician to test loader
electrical and mechanical components. Readings are either pass/fail indications or
digital displays in units such as psi, rpm, volts, ohms, amperage, etc. VTM inter-
faces with loader with transducer(s) from transducer kit, current probe, voltage
probe, and power cable. VTM operating power is drawn from loader batteries or other
battery source. Power is routed to VTM through VTM power cable clamps connected to
batteries. STE/ICE general purpose test capabilities used to troubleshoot the loader
are rpm, -30 in. Hg to 25 psig pressure, 0-1000 psig pressure, 0-45 volts dc, and
0-1500 amps.
Special tests consist of compression unbalance, starter first peak cur-
r e n t , s t a r t e r c i r c u i t r e s i s t a n c e , s t a r t e r n e g a t i v e c a b l e v o l t a g e d r o p , a n d b a t t e ry
internal resistance and resistance chance. Refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P for a detail-
ed description of VTM controls, indicators, and capabilities.