TM 5-3805-262-203-33. STARTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont).S t e p 1 . ( C o n t ).NOTEWhile cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may losepower and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. Ifthis happens, turn off VTM power, and clean battery posts and clamps andtry again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’sbattery (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 toVTM J4 and red test clip to loader battery positive post and black testc l i p t o l o a d e r b a t t e r y n e g a t i v e p o s t . Y o u w i l l h a v e t o e n t e r V I D a ndcondition current probe again.Crank engine for 5 secondss i t i o n.Record VTM rpm display.Dial 72 into TEST SELECT.then turn ignition key switch to off po-Dial 76 intoPressl e a seNOTETEST SELECT if VTM is not powered by loader batteries.and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then re-TEST button.Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should bebetween -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer toTM 9-4910-571-12&P).Press and release TEST button.Wait for GO to appear on display.When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is dis-p l a y e d.Turn ignition key switch to off position.a. If VTM display is between (TBD) amps and engine rpm was 200 min-imum, starter circuit is okay.b. If VTM display is between (TBD) amps and engine rpm was zero,starter is not engaging flywheel. Go to step 2 below.c. If VTM display is not between (TBD) amps, go to step 4 below.d. If E013 is displayed, repeat this step. If E013 message persistsafter three attempts, go to step 4 below .e. If VTM does not display a number or E013 go to step 4 below.3-275
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