TM 5-3805-262-34
a. Engine Tune-up (SHEET 4 OF 21).
(2) Top Dead Center Check (Cont).
Crank engine counterclockwise un-
til both scribe marks are visible.
Using divider, locate half the
distance between the two scribe
marks. If this mid-point does not
aline with the TDC (Top Dead Cen-
ter) mark on crankshaft pulley,
replace crankshaft pulley
(page 3-51).
Remove dial indicator.
Position spring seat on cylinder
head, flat side down.
Install spring with either end
on spring seat.
(o) Install valve rotator on spring, flat side up.
(p) Compress exhaust valve spring using valve spring compressor tool, in-
stall two valve keepers in top groove of valve stem, and remove valve
spring compressor tool.
(q) Tap end of valve stem using soft hammer to seat valve keepers.
(r) Install rocker arm assembly on No. 1 cylinder head (page 3-71).
(3) Valve Tappet Clearance Adjustment.
Cold setting valve tappet clearance
must be adjusted whenever rocker arm
assembly or push rods have been
removed. Do not start engine until
cold setting tappet clearance
adjustment has been performed.
(a) Crank engine using wrench on
crankshaft pulley capscrew un-
til TDC (Top Dead Center)
timing mark on crankshaft
pulley is alined with timing