TM 5-3805-262-343-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)a. EngineTune-up (SHEET8OF21).(5) Fuel Injection Pump Timing Adjustment.(a)(b)Crank engine using wrench oncrankshaft pulley capscrew un-til TDC timing mark on crank-shaft pulley is alined withtiming pointer.Check if No. 1 cylinder push rods are loose. If push rods are loose, No.1 cylinder is at TDC on compression stroke: go to step (c) below. Ifpush rods are tight, crank engine one complete revolution and aline TDCmark on crankshaft pulley with timing pointer.(c) Crank engine counterclockwise to 35 degree mark.(d) Refer to engine data decal on valve cover for correct injection pumptiming. Crank engine clockwise to specified injection pump timing.3-10
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