TM 5-3805-262-34INSPECTION/REPAIR (SHEET 3 OF 4)(f) Press bearing cups (83 and84) from housing and endplate using bearing pullerset.(g) Remove oil seal (85) fromend plate and press in newoil seal.(h) Press new bearing cups (83 and84) into housing and endplate.In following two steps, presson inner diameter of bearingcones to prevent damage tobearings.(i) Position stop ring (82) and shims (81) on drive end of camshaft (86).Press on new bearing cone (80).(j) Position stop ring (79) and shims (78) on governor end of camshaft (86).Press on new bearing cone (77).(k) Apply thin film of Molykote paste to surface of intermediate bearing(4)(5)(6)(76), then install intermediate bearing (76) on camshaft (86).Inspect plungers (40) and barrels (58) for scratches, nicks, and verticalgrooves. Dip each plunger and mating barrel in clean calibrating fluid,hold barrel vertical, and position approximately 3/4 of plunger length inbarrel. When released, plunger must slide down smoothly into barrel asfar as the stop on plunger vane. Replace plunger with barrel as an assem-bly if any of the above conditions are seen.Inspect delivery valves (57) for crushed or unevenly worn seats, groovedbore, or thread damage. Inspect pistons (53) for cracks or verticalgrooves.Insert each piston in its mating delivery valve and check free-dom of movement. Replace delivery valve (57) and piston (53) if any ofthe above conditions are seen.Inspect control rack (48) for cracks, grooves, distortion, or chipped orworn teeth. Repair slight grooving using abrasive cloths. Inspect thread-ed ring (64), retainer (65), and bushings (66) for cracks or burrs. In-stall control rack (48) and slide back and forth. Control rack must notwobble or jam. Replace threaded ring (64), retainer (65), and bushings(66) if control rack wobbles or jams.3-151
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