TM 5-3805-262-342-5.FUELSYSTEMTROUBLESHOOTING(CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. FUEL INJECTION PUMP NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont).Step 12.Step 13.Step 14.(Cont).a. If dial indicator does not indicate exactly 0.441 inch, pushback fuel control lever and adjust no load governed speed ad-justment screw to obtain exactly 0.441 inch rack travel as indi-cated on rack travel dial indicator. Go to step 13 below.b. If dial indicator indicates 0.441 inch go to step 14 below.Push back fuel control lever against no load governed speed adjust-ment screw.Check that governor setting protractor scale indicates 50 ±4 de-grees .a.b.If protractor scale indicates 50 ±4 degrees, go to step 14 be-low.If protractor scale does not indicate 50 ±4 degrees, repeat step11 above. If it still does not indicate 50 ±4 degrees, disassem-ble fuel injection pump governor (page 3-173) and check swivellever, spring, fulcrum lever, guide lever, and tensioning leverfor damage or wear (page 3-177).With control lever against adjustment screw, increase fuel injectionpump speed to 1205 to 1235 rpm.Check that rack travel dial indicator indicates 0.158 inch rack tra-vel.a. If dial indicator indicates 0.158 inch, go to step 15 below.b.If dial indicator does notindicate 0.158 inch, makecoarse adjustments by ad-justing swivel lever adjust-ing screw (one click count-erclockwise increases racktravel 0.0098 inch). Makefine adjustments by adjust-ing no load governed speedadjustment screw.2-63
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