TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Leave stabilizers in down position to operate backhoe for the remainder of the test.
19. Fully lower both stabilizers (TM 5-2420-231-10).
20. Lower left stabilizer and raise machine fully (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6g).
21. Lower right stabilizer and raise machine fully (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6h).
22. Dump the backhoe bucket and hold the bucket in dump (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and
record the reading on flowmeter checksheet (6i).
23. Curl backhoe bucket and hold bucket in (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record reading
on flowmeter checksheet (6j).
24. Extend backhoe dipper and hold dipper in extend (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6k).
25. Retract backhoe dipper and hold dipper in retract (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6l).
26. Extend backhoe boom and hold boom in extend (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6m).
27. Retract backhoe boom and hold boom in retract (dead head). Read flow gauge (Figure 36, Item 4) and record
reading on flowmeter checksheet (6n).
28. Decrease engine speed to idle (TM 5-2420-231-10).
29. Retract left and right stabilizers (TM 5-2420-231-10).
30. Turn machine off (TM 5-2420-231-10).
Figure 36. Flowmeter.