TM 5-3805-255-14
d. If results obtained were within specified amount of 0.0026 to 0.0060 in. (0.066 to 0.152 mm), remove
Plastigage, coat bearing with clean engine oil (WP 0131) and install center main bearing cap. Torque two
capscrews to 235 lb-ft (320 Nm).
e. Continue checking other main bearings in same manner. Check rear main bearing next, followed by front
main bearing and then intermediate bearings.
Check end-play present in crankshaft by inserting a feeler gauge equal to desired clearance of 0.005 to
0.011 in. (0.13 to 0.28 mm) (Figure 12). Should end-play clearance present be less that amount specified,
remove rear main bearing and grind off material equally from flange surface. Should clearance be more
than specified, replace rear main bearing with a new one.
Figure 12. Checking Crankshaft End Clearance.
When rear main oil seal in flywheel housing is changed, oil seal bore should be checked
for a chamfer. If no chamfer is found use a file to break edge of bore in housing. Take care
not to damage bore while filing chamfer edge. This should be done to prevent possible
damage to rear main oil seal casing during installation.
2. Install a new crankshaft rear oil seal as follows:
a. Determine three evenly spaced tapped holes in crankshaft flange that will be used for driver tool bolts to
install seal and wear sleeve. One of tapped holes in flange is off-set 0.125 in. (3.175 mm) from equal
spacing and must not be used for installing seal and wear sleeve.
b. If oil seal and wear sleeve are not unitized (pre-assembled), assemble seal to sleeve before installing on
crankshaft as follows:
Seal must be clean and lubricated. Coat single lip seal with clean engine oil (WP 0131). Double-lip seal
must have cavity between lips filled with Grade 251H-EP grease.