TM 5-3805-258-24-1F U E L S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GF U E L F L O W C H E C K O F T I M I N G( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)9. Tube. 18. Pan. 19. 5J4634 Hose Assembly.24. To check for correct timing of the fuel system,make a comparison of the reading on the dialindicator (3) with the correct measurement inthe chart. Timing must be set within ± 1° ofcorrect timing angle.ITIMING ANGLEINDICATOR READING16°3.73mm.146 in.17”4.20mm.165 in.18”4.70mm.185 in.119°5.23mm206Q“20”5.79mm.228 in.‘ Correct timing angle.CHECKING TIMING BYTIMING PIN METHODTools Needed:8S2264Puller Group.1B3680 Bolts (2)3/8-24 NF, 95.3mm (3.75 in.) long.4B5271 Washer (2).8B7580Step Plate.L1138 Bolt 3/8-24NF, 12.7 mm (.5 in.) long.6V4188 Timing Pin.6V6175Adapter.1. Put No. 1 piston at top center on the com-pression stroke. Make reference to LOCAT-I N G T O P C E N T E R C O M P R E S S I ONPOSITION FOR NO. 1 PISTON. Removethe timing bolt and rotate the crankshaft clock-wise 30°.2. Remove fuel line (1) and fuel filter base (2)and fuel filter from fuel injection pump hous-ing.3. Remove cover (3) from the side of the fuelinjection pump housing.R I G H T S I D E O F E N G I NE( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)1. Fuel line. 2. Fuel filter base.T I M I N G P I N C O V E R3. Cover.4.5.T I M I N G P I N I N S T A L L ED4. 6V4186 Timing Pin.Install 6V4186 Timing Pin (4) in the fuel injec-tion pump housing as shown. Slowly rotate thecrankshaft counterclockwise until timing pin (4)goes into the groove in the fuel pump camshaft.Put the timing bolt in the timing hole in theflywheel housing. If the bolt can be installed4-16
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