TM 5-3805-258-24-1F U E L S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I NG14.15.16.17.Hold a torque of 60 to 70 N·m (45 to 50 lb. ft.)on adapter (11) in a clockwise direction, andtighten bolt (6) that holds the timing gear to270 ± 30 N·m (200 ± 20 lb. ft.).Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel andtiming pin (4) from the fuel pump camshaft.Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise tworevolutions. If the timing bolt can be installedin the flywheel and the timing pin can be in-stalled in the fuel pump camshaft, the timingis correct.If either the timing pin or the timing bolt cannot be installed, do Steps 8 through 16 again.Checking Engine Timing With 6V3100 DieselEngine Timing Indicator Group (Models950BSCE and 950BNSCE)Tools Needed:6V3100 Diesel Engine Timing Indicator Group.6 V 3 1 D I E S E L E N G I N E T I M I N G I N D I C A T O R G R O UP1. Engins timing indicator. 2. TDC magnetic trans-ducer. 3. Pipsadaptsr. 4. Injection transducer. 5. 5P7437Adapter. 6. 5P7435 Tee Adapter. 7. 5P7436 Adapter.Special Instruction Form No. SEHS7742 is withthe tool group and gives instructions for the testprocedure.CAUTIONThe engine must be stopped while the timingindicator is being connected.1. Make reference to Operation Instructions insidethe lid of the 6V3100 Diesel Engine TimingIndicator Group for complete instructions andT R A N S D U C E R I N P O S I T I ON( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )4. Injection transducer. 6. Fuel injection line for No. 1c y l i n d e r . all fuel line clamps that hold No. 1 fuelinjection line and disconnect fuel injection line(8) for No. 1 cylinder at the fuel injection pump.Slide the nut up and out of the way. Put 5P7436Adapter (7) in its place and turn adapter (7)onto the fuel pump bonnet until the top of thebonnet threads are approximately even with thebottom of the “window” in the adapter.Put the 5P7435 Tee Adapter (6) on the Injectiontransducer (4) and put the end of the 5P7435Tee Adapter (6) in the “window” of the 5P7436Adapter (7).Put fuel injection line (8) on top of 5P7435 TeeAdapter (6). Install 5P7437 Adapter (5) andtighten to 40 N·m (30 lb. ft.).Remove plug from the flywheel housing. Installpipe adapter (3) into hole plug was removedfrom. Tighten only a small amount.Push the TDC magnetic transducer (2) into thepipe adapter (3) until it makes contact with theflywheel. Pull it back out 1.6 mm (.06 in.) andlightly tighten the knurled locknut.Connect the cables from the transducers to theEngine Timing Indicator. Make a calibrationcheck of the indicator. For calibration proce-dure, make reference to Special InstructionForm No. SEHS7742.Start the engine. Get the engine to operatingtemperature. With the engine at low idle, checkengine timing. Increase engine speed and checktiming at 2300 rpm.c a l i b r a t i o n.4-18
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