F U E L S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N Gin the timing hole in the flywheel, the timingof the fuel injection pump is correct.If the timing bolt does not go into the timinghole in the flywheel, the timing is not correct.Do the steps that follow to adjust the fuel in-jection pump timing.F R O N T O F E N G I N E5. Timing gear cover.7. Remove timing gear cover (5) from the timinggear housing.P U L L E R I N S T A L L E D8.9.10.11.T I M I N G G E A R F O R T H E F U E L I N J E C T I O N P U MP6. Bolt.Loosen bolt (6) that holds the timing gear tothe fuel pump camshaft. Turn bolt (6) out(counterclockwise) three turns.Install 8S2264 Puller Group and loosen thetiming gear from the fuel pump camshaft.Remove the timing bolt from the flywheelhousing.Rotate the crankshaft clockwise60° before top center No. 1 piston.Tighten bolt (6) finger tight. Be sure timingpin (4) is in the groove in the fuel pump cam-shaft.7. 8S2264 Puller Group. 8. 8B7560 Step Plate. 9. 1B3680Bolt 3/8’’-24NF, 95.3 mm (3.75 in.) long. 10. 4B5271Wash-er.12. Slowly rotate the crankshaft counterclock-wise until the timing bolt can be installed inthe flywheel.13.A D A P T E R I N S T A L L E D O N T I M I N G G E AR11. 6V6175 Adapter.Install 6V6175 Adapter on the timing gear. Usetwo 3/8” -24 NF bolts, 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) long tofasten the spanner to the puller holes in thetiming gear.T I G H T E N I N G T I M I N G G E A R B O L T4-17( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )
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