TM 5-3805-262-203-33. STARTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (STARTER SOLENOID DOES NOT CLICK) (Cont).Step 10. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to starter relay largeterminal on right.Press and release TEST button.Check that transmission controlCrank engine while watching VTMVTM should display 24 volts.lever is in N position.d i s p l a y.a. If VTM displays 24 volts, check cable between starter relay ter-minal and starter solenoid S terminal. Tighten connections orreplace cable as necessary (page 5-16).b. If VTM displays zero, replace starter relay (page 5-26).2. STARTER CRANKS CONTINUOUSLYStep 1.Turn ignition key switch to off position .O p e n r a d i a t o r g r i l l e a t r e a r o f l o a d e r .Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1.Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive postand black clip lead to loader battery negative post.Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P).Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4.3-271
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