TM 5-3805-262-34REASSEMBLY (SHEET 6 OF 6)W A R N I N GWhen using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoistis securely fastened to the part and that all slack in chain is takenup. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to the part fallingon you.If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aidimmediately.(39) Insert steel bar through differential case and gear assembly. Attachchain hoist to steel bar and raise and position differential case andgear assembly over differential carrier (27). SlOWlY lower assembly intoposition in differential carrier. Disconnect chain hoist and remove steelbar.(40) Install one differential cap (4) with match marks alined.(41) Install two washers (3) and capscrews (2).Tighten to 290 to 350 lb-ft.(42) Install adjusting ring (5).(43) Position differential cap (4).(44) Install two washers (3) and capscrews (2). Tighten to 290 to 350 lb-ft.(45) Install adjusting ring (5).Do not install two cotter pinsADJUSTMENT OF DIFFERENTIAL BEARINGS(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)NOTE(1) until adjustment has been completed.Install dial indicator againstback side of differential caseand gear assembly ring gear.Move differential case and gearassembly back and forth tocheck for end play.If there is no end play, loosenadjusting ring (5) at back sideof ring gear just enough to ob-tain end play. Tighten otheradjusting ring (5) just enoughto obtain zero end play.Rotate ring gear and check runout. If runout exceeds 0.008 inch, removedifferential case and gear assembly (steps (1) through (10), page 4-218)and check that ring gear is installed correctly and that differentialcase halves are properly assembled (page 4-238).With runout less than 0.008 inch, tighten each adjusting ring (5) onenotch to put correct preload on differential case and gear assemblybearings.Adjust ring gear backlash.4-231
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