TM 5-3805-258-24-2OPERATOR’S STATIONHYDRAULICREMOVE HYDRAULIC CONTROLGROUP5063-11start by:a) remove cab and platform1. Remove springs (2) from lever (1) and bracket(3).2. Disconnect hose assemblies (4) and (6) fromthe pilot valve(s).3. Disconnect wiring harness (5) from the sole-noid wiring.4. Loosen the bolts and nuts that hold levers (8) tothe control shafts. Move levers (8) off the con-trol shafts to disconnect the linkage from pilotvalve(s) (9).5. Remove the bolts (7) and bolts and nuts (10)that hold pilot valve(s) (10) in position.CONTROLDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYGROUP6. Fasten a hoist to control group (11). Removetwo bolts (12) and remove control group (11)from the machine. The weight of control group(11) is 20 kg (45 lb.).5-520
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