TM 5-3805-262-344-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)j. OilPump.This task covers disassembly, cleaning, inspection, and reassemblyof the oil pump.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitDrill,3/8 inch capacityDrill bit, 1/8 inch diameterLong nose pliersSlip joint pliersScrewdriverTorque wrench, 1/2 inch driveSafety glassesAutomotive Mechanic’s Tool KitSocket wrench set, 1/2 inch driveThickness gageMachinist’s steel ruleSpring gagePlastigageWood screw, number 12MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)DISASSEMBLYCleaning solvent P-D-680- (Appendix C, item 2)Cotter pin (FSCM 10988 PN 132-32)Plug (FSCM 10988 PN 41-1011)NOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine oil pump removed (page 3-92).(SHEET 1 OF 2)Spring (3) exerts outward pressure on plugLEGEND(2). If plug (2) is loose, plug and spring1. Cotter pin(3) may fly out of oil pump (6) bore when2. Plugyou perform steps (1) through (3) below.3. SpringUse caution to avoid injury due to flying4. Valveparts. If you are injured, obtain medical5. Sleeveaid(1)( 2)( 3)4-74immediately.6. Oil pumpRemove cotter pin (1) from oil pump (6)using long nose pliers. Discard cotter pin.If plug (2) cannot be easily removed, drilla hole through its center using 1/8 inchdiameter drill bit. Install a wood screw inhole then use pliers to grip head of woodscrew and remove plug. Discard plug.Remove spring (3) and valve (4).
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